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Our Vision and Values

Our Vision is:

To provide an excellent education for all our students.

Our Values are:

Commitment, Pride, Success

Commitment to learning; Pride in ourselves and our community; Success in all we do.

  • To create a place of learning where excellence is sought in every sphere

  • To provide a stimulating environment and lessons which show pupils that learning is exciting and worthwhile as a life-long activity

  • To encourage methods of learning which depend upon pupil activity and the development of learning and research skills

  • To provide courses which are appropriate to life in contemporary society

  • To prepare pupils for responsible adulthood – in the family, in the workplace and in the community

  • To help pupils develop a wide range of interests

  • To help pupils recognise the value of honesty, courtesy, helpfulness and self-discipline

  • To help pupils value the spiritual and aesthetic dimensions of life