TKAT Sixth Form Ambition

2017 LOGO BLACK COL COGS (no strap)'Inspiring learners, changing lives'

TKAT’s ambition is that our Sixth Form education provides an excellence that supports you to be truly aspirational, ensuring you have the opportunity to meet your full potential. Our Sixth Forms are accessible to all students who wish to study level 3 courses such as A levels and Vocational Courses such as BTECs.  Each Sixth Form provides an environment of aspiration, respect and openness, enabling all students to thrive.  

By joining a TKAT Sixth Form you will be joining an ambitious, forward thinking Sixth Form that will offer you a wide range of opportunities alongside challenging curriculum pathways which are led by highly qualified staff.  Students from TKAT Sixth Forms will be fully supported throughout their curriculum pathway to ensure that they make excellent progress and are able to access their ambitious future destinations, whether they be apprenticeships or other vocational pathways, employment, or further college and university study. 

By joining a TKAT Sixth Form in 2025 we will aim to ensure that you receive the following:

  • Challenging curriculum pathways 
  • Respectful and inclusive learning environments
  • High quality teaching 
  • Pastoral provision that focuses on supporting your health and well being 
  • Preparation for 'beyond sixth form' and the wider world of work
  • Excellent UCAS and Oxbridge preparation
  • Excellent preparation for Apprenticeships and other vocational destinations
  • Access to 'aspire' events that provide you with high quality careers information
  • Access to a Trust wide delivered Extended Professional Qualification 

The decision you make for your Post-16 education is so important and will pave the way to your future. Choose to be part of a community of learners who share the mindset of success and are driven by the prospect of opportunity for all.