Year 11 Information

TipsYear 11 is an important year for students, but it can also be quite stressful so we have put together some helpful information for you.







1. Revise in 20 minute chunks, followed by 10 minutes break/reward
2. Retrieval Practice (quizzing) is better than reading
3. Cramming doesn’t work
4. Your phone has to be out of sight during revision
5. No music when revising

Cleeve Revision Technique 1: Active Recall Flashcards

Either create your own or use a set of pre made flash cards containing examples ofFlash Card

questions that could be asked anywhere in the exam paper. 

On the front of each flash card is the question and on the back is the answer

Go through each flash card. Give yourself no more than 30 seconds on each one.

After you have gone through each one, put them into one of 3 piles

  • YES I understand it
  • NO I don’t understand it
  • MAYBE I am not fully confident on this topic

Choose at least one topic from the maybe pile and at least one from the no pile. This is going to be what we revise next using our flashcards to retest. 

Repeat these steps 3 times a week in the lead up to your exams to give you a good chance of being successful

Cleeve Revision Technique 2: Retrieval Practice Quizzing 

Why use quizzes to revise?

  1. They improve our memory of the content through repartition

  2. They appeal to our competitive nature, we remember because we want to get it right and we are more like to learn from our mistakes.
  3. They support learning in short focussed sessions of 20mins
  4. They can be diverse and varied in content from a subject.

Where can I find quizzes to rest my knowledge?

  • Seneca
  • BBC Bitesize
Cleeve Revision Technique 3: Deliberate Practice

What is deliberate practice?Footballer

Deliberate practice refers to a special type of practice that is purposeful and systematic. Deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance.

In revision:

  • Choose a skill in a subject
  • Have an example or model for that skill
  • Practice that skill multiple times
  • Have a criteria so you can check you are improving

Deliberate practice is why a footballer practices the specific skill of taking a penalty over and over again. Each time looking to improve that skill.

Downloadable copy of the Cleeve Way Revision Stratagey