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Caseys Schoolwear are proud to be the official supplier of the Cleeve Park School uniform.

Cleeve Park School Uniform

School Uniform ethos

At Cleeve Park School we expect our students to take pride in their appearance; we place great emphasis on how our students present themselves. Students are expected to wear the correct school uniform as listed below.



Burgundy school blazer supplied by Casey’s uniform suppliers.


Long sleeved ‘V’ neck burgundy pullover or cardigan  with school badge  (optional). Other knitwear or sweatshirts are not permitted in school.


Knee length (or longer) grey kilt, not to be rolled over at the waist***


  • Plain charcoal or black suit style trousers.
  • Tailored black or charcoal suit-style shorts are permitted in hot weather
  • Leggings,  jeans or chinos are not to be worn at any time.


White shirt with long or short sleeves – top button must be fastened, worn with a tie for the appropriate year group and tucked into skirt/trousers at all times.


  • Plain black leather or imitation leather type shoes are required.
  • Boot style shoes may be no higher than ankle length and a maximum heel height of 2cm.  
  • No coloured peripherals, if laced, black laces.
  • Canvas or other materials not permitted, Cleeve Park school has a zero tolerance to trainers of any kind being worn with the school uniform without an official medical letter (see guide for acceptable footwear). Students wearing inappropriate footwear without a medical note will be given a consequence on the day.


Plain white, black or grey socks (up to, not over, the knee) or tights. 


Burgundy tie with school crest and year colour, tie must be fastened to show the year colour stripes and to the top of a buttoned shirt.

Outdoor Wear

  • Students should have a warm coat (dark in colour and waterproof).
  • Casual leisure wear, denim and leather jackets are not permitted for school.
  • Sweatshirts or hoodies of any description (including the PE sweatshirt) do not qualify as outdoor wear and are not acceptable.
    • Light decorative scarves are not permitted.


  • No jewellery whatsoever, including ear studs and other piercings, students are not permitted to wear jewellery in any part of their face.  (Piercings covered with a plaster are not acceptable).
  • Students may wear a sensible wrist watch but no rings, necklaces or bracelets. ‘Smart’ watches i.e. with internet connection, are not allowed in exams.
  •  In the event that an item of jewellery is required for reasons of religious observance a letter will be required from the appropriate authority to explain the necessity for this requirement.


Hairstyles must meet with the standards of smartness and restraint expected in a school. We do not permit the following hairstyles:

  • Clippered hair below a #2
  • Hair dyed with bright unnatural colours
  • Shapes and wording etched into hair

Simple, plain burgundy or black hairband, grip or “Scrunchy”- no other coloured or glittery decorative hair adornments. Unacceptable items will be removed from the pupil and taken to the main school office where they will need to be collected by a parent/ carer after 3pm *


  • No face make-up, nail varnish, acrylic nails, false eyelashes, heavy fake tan.
  • Pupils will be ordered to remove it and receive a sanction in line with ‘UPBEAT behaviour policy’ * Should a student refuse parents will be required to come to the school to rectify the issue.
  • In some cases of incorrect uniform we reserve the right to withdraw any student out of circulation for the day or make arrangements for students to go home and correct inappropriate uniform.
  • The staff and Governors of Cleeve Park School fully supports students who are gender neutral and welcome them to be free to wear any part of the uniform they wish

Compulsory PE kit

  • Burgundy PE t shirt 
  • Black shorts
  • Black tracksuit   
  • Plain black football socks/ regular black socks
  • Football boots /astro boots and shin pads
  • Gym shoes/trainers (own preference as long as they are suitable for purpose)
Cps pe kit

Parental role

The vast majority of our parents fully support our school uniform policy, it is part of the terms and conditions that you sign up to when your child joins our school.

We remind parents that the following are NOT PERMITTED, please do not allow your child to come to school with:
  • Piercings
  • Jewellery
  • Make-up
  • Fake tan
  • False nails
  • Shoes which do not conform to the permitted styles

Some students try to push the boundaries in these areas.  If you are in any doubt about whether an item or uniform choice is acceptable PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL before you make a purchase and ensure you receive a definitive answer from a member of the senior leadership team.

Unwanted Uniform

Staff at Cleeve Park School are extremely grateful to parents/carers who donate good quality second hand uniform to the school for us to sell on via https://app.uniformd.co.uk/items/cleeve-park-school   

All enquiries should be made by contacting the school reception on:

0208 302 6418
