Recent News

23 September 2024
Student SLT 2024-25

Our Sixth Form student SLT for 2024/2025 are: Libby Smith Kyle Wilkinson Ruby Prodrick Frankie...

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2 October 2024
Sixth Form Information Evening

Our Sixth Form Information Evening will be taking place on Thursday 12th December between 5pm...

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7 June 2024
Visit to Oxford University

On Friday 7th June a group of Year 12 students took part in a visit to Oxford University.The day...

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15 August 2024
KS5 Results Day 2024

Cleeve Park A level results have sustained previous success by students achieving an average grade...

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19 June 2024
Teacher of the Year Award for Ms Barnes

Today marks national "Thank a Teacher Day' when we collaboratively celebrate excellence in...

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19 March 2024
Parental Communication Information

Dear Parents and Carers, Following the recent change to our communications provider we are aware...

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26 June 2024
Resilience Day 2024

On the 17th June 2024 we held our annual Resilience Day. Resilience Days are an opportunity for...

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15 May 2024
Cleeve Life - Volume 9

Welcome to the latest edition of Cleeve Life - this edition shines a spotlight on our Creative Arts...

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Featured Article

15 August 2024
Cleeve Park A level results have sustained previous success by students achieving an average grade of a C, which is expected to be in line with the national trend. 

The highest achieving students include: Nathan who achieved AAA and is going to Sheffield University to study Journalism; James achieved AAB and has been offered a place to study Classics at Cambridge; Lucy achieved Distinction* AB and is going to Nottingham to study English; Hannah who achieved A*BB has secured a degree apprentices...

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