Latest News

  • World Book Day

    We are celebrating World Book Day with The Big Read today. During each lesson students will be reading a passage from The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant. Students can then take part in an Accelerated Reader or Google Classroom Quiz on the short story and win the chance to attend a Party at the Tokyo Toys Gaming Party Room! Our Office Staff have had fun dressing up for the occasion today – visitors were welcomed to the school by Cruella De Vil and students visiting the office were met by a quintet of Gangster Grannies! read more

  • Start of Jan 2022 Term Info

    Start of January 2022 Term Information Return in January When we return in January, we are required to lateral flow test students. This will be organised in a similar way to our start in September. Year 7, 11 & 13 will undertake their tests on Tuesday 4th January, go home and return to normal school on the 5th January. Years 8, 9, 10 & 12 will be tested on Wednesday 5th January and return to school on Thursday 6th January. read more

  • Christmas Appeal - Thank you!

    A huge thank you to everyone who helped to support our Christmas Appeal to collect donations for the Bexley Foodbank.

    We have had an amazing response and will be delivering the items today.

    We really do appreciate your support. read more

  • Lynn Middleton Award Winner

    Congratulations to Ethan Sansom in Year 11 for being the recipient of this years Lynn Middleton Award.

    The award was set up to honour the memory of one of our TAs and is awarded annually to the SEND student who has shown the kind of resilience, determination and spirit that exemplified Lynn’s character.

    Congratulations Ethan    read more

  • VIP Christmas Lunch

    Today, Wednesday 15th December, was Christmas Lunch Day!

    Amongst the diners were a group of *VIPS* - these students had been rewarded in recent Celebration Assemblies via the 'Wheel of Fortune' and had won a free Christmas Lunch for themselves and a plus one, to be served by Miss Morgan and Mrs Hobbs!

      read more

  • Premier League Football Training for KS3 Girls

    As part of the Premier League Kicks programme, from the 11th of January 2022 we will have a professional Coach (and former player) from Charlton FC visiting to run six training sessions after school with the KS3 Girls Football Club.

    Training runs on Tuesdays between 3.15pm to 4.15pm.

    If any students would like to join the club please contact Ms Waterton prior to the sessions. read more

  • Christmas Appeal

    Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students, As we are sadly unable to host our usual Christmas party for our local pensioners this year we are appealing to all our generous Parents and Staff to make a donation that we can collect and deliver to our local food bank in time for Christmas. Bexley foodbank (the Trussell trust) are in desperate need of the following: Deodorant Washing Pods Sweets, Chocolate, Treats Long-life Fruit Juice Bottled Squash Tinned Rice Pudding Long-life Semi-skimmed Milk Sugar Tinned Fish But any items, packets, tins or bottles of anything that you can spare will be gratefully received. Donations can be brought into school and left at the Attendance Office or Mrs Bonner's Office up until Friday 17th December 2021 when they will be delivered to the Food Bank. We would really appreciate your support helping us to help out those struggling in our community. read more

  • One Kind Word

    This week is Anti Bullying Week –the theme this year is ‘One Kind Word’ Students have attended assemblies on this theme and have been given slips during Form Time to write down One Kind Word or phrase and these have been displayed in the student foyer. In association with “In a world that can sometimes feel like it’s filled with negativity, one kind word can provide a moment of hope. It can be a turning point. It can change someone’s perspective. read more

  • Message from Bexley Safer Schools Team - Re TikTok

    Dear Parent or Carer, There have been a number incidents in various schools where school children have been posting malicious information about school staff on social media platforms such as TikTok. This may include falsely accusing them of criminal offences involving children. Obviously this is very distressing to staff and their families. Can you please remind your child that this is a criminal offence under the Malicious Communications Act 1988: Where a person sends a letter, electronic communication or article of any description which conveys a message which is indecent or grossly offensive, a threat or information which is false and known or believed to be false by the sender So even if a child writes something about a member of school staff which is false or grossly offensive ‘just as a bit of fun’ or as a rumour and then posts it on social media – they commit a criminal offence. read more

  • Offer of Covid vaccination for 12 – 15 year olds in south east London

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are safe and effective. One dose is being offered to children aged 12 to 15 to give them the best protection against COVID-19. Vaccination services are visiting every school in south east London during October and November to offer every child or young person aged 12-15 years old a Covid vaccination. However, if a child is unwell or missed their vaccination on the day of the visit for whatever reason, there are a range of alternative options to choose from. read more

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