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  • Talent Show Auditions

    Is your child a budding performer or has a talent they would like to share?

    If the answer is YES please encourage them to audition for the Talent Show Case!!!!

    Auditions are on Thursday 13th October at Lunchtime in M4 or after school at 3pm in M1

    If you have any questions please see Mr Oloyèdé (Head of Music) or Mrs Celeb (Head of Drama) read more

  • HM Queen Elizabeth II

    Dear Parents and carers, We express our deepest sympathies for the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Her dedication to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and to her other realms and territories is unparalleled and we thank her for her service. Cleeve Park School and TKAT will observe the mourning period but we will continue to support our pupils, families and staff. The school and after school clubs will continue to run but all additional events we had scheduled for this week will be cancelled/postponed. read more

  • GCSE Results Day 2022

    The Cleeve Park School community is once again celebrating a spectacular set of GCSE results. Following the disruption caused by the pandemic and the uncertainty of the last couple of years, the atmosphere in our school hall has been one of jubilation and celebration, with all the hard work, resilience and commitment of our students and staff paying off. There was a wonderful feeling of normality as staff greeted students and their families with their envelopes this morning. This group of Year 11s have been wonderful role models for the whole school community, exemplifying to those students in younger years what hard work and consistent dedication look like. read more

  • Sixth Form Enrolment

    Sixth Form Enrolment Dear Students and Parents/Carers, Sixth Form Enrolment will be taking place on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th August between 9.30 and 12pm. As we are expecting large numbers of students on site for their GCSE Results on Thursday we are asking external candidates who wish to discuss Post 16 Options with our dedicated Sixth Form Team to attend on the Friday (but are welcome to attend on the Thursday as well.) There will also be the option to enrol online as well. Please visit our Sixth Form Admissions Website. We are looking forward to meet our 2022 Sixth Form Cohort! read more

  • KS5 Results Day 2022

    Today we celebrate the results of our Year 13 cohort, a group of students who, despite never having sat public exams before due to Covid, have absolutely shown us that resilience and hard work really pay off. We are over the moon to share our best results EVER! This has been part of our journey of improvement and shows the progress we have made as a school. Students and staff have worked exceptionally hard over the last two years to achieve these results. read more

  • End of term information

    The timings for the last day of term (Tuesday 19th July) are -

    Period 1 and 2 - Normal timetable
    10.40- 11.20 - Extended Break

    11.20 to 11.45 - Form time

    669 School buses are due to depart from 12 noon.

    Students will be able to use the canteen at break time, instead of lunch and FSM allowances can be spent. read more

  • Jack Petchey Awards Celebration

    On Tuesday 28th June at the Orchard Theatre, we celebrated 9 exceptional young people and one inspirational leader from our school community at the Jack Petchey Awards Celebration Event. Each award comes with a certificate, a badge and on the night the winners also collect a medallion presented by the Mayor of London Borough of Bexley. The winners also receive from £250-300 to be spent on their communities. Our winners have chosen to spend their money on football kits, library books, cricket stumps, paint brushes for art, (along with other specialist art equipment) and a basketball holder, along with various basketballs for the extra-curricular club and for use in PE lessons. read more

  • Big Walk & Wheel Challenge 2022

    We are currently taking part in the Big Walk & Wheel Challenge 2022 by Sustrans. Students can register their journey to school with their Form Tutor each day as long as it includes 10 minutes of activity (walking, using a wheelchair, scooting & cycling etc.) If we have over 15% participation the school is entered into daily prize-draws for some cool rewards. The aim of the challenge is to encourage students and staff to think about the environment and their health. So, if you drop your child at school, how about stopping a little further away from the entrance and letting them walk the last 10 minutes. read more

  • Year 9 visit from the UpFront Theatre Company

    Year 9 students recently attended a performance by the UpFront Theatre Company called “In Harm's Way” – a play & interactive lecture with a focus on self harm. After watching the performance students were encouraged to discuss some of the characters' choices. The cast replay some of the key scenes and students are invited to offer the character's advice. The play begins with an introduction to clarify some of the fact, figures and myths surrounding mental health. read more

  • Youth Metal Health Awareness Day

    Youth Metal Health Awareness Day Students in Years 11, 12 & 13 recently attended a Mental Health Awareness Day organised by our Trust, TKAT. The ‘Mental Health Aware’ course is an introductory course to raise awareness of mental health. It is designed to give students a basic understanding of mental health and some common issues, as well as an introduction into looking after your own mental health. Rachel Ward, TKAT Director of Wellbeing and a MHFA England instructor, led the course at CPS for a number of year 11s 12s and 13s who expressed an interest in mental health and wellbeing. read more

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