Staff List
Cleeve Park School Staff
The highly qualified teaching staff, supported by a committed and skilled body of support staff, are the most valuable resource in the school. Teaching staff work in departments and Heads of Departments oversee the development and delivery of courses relating to their curriculum areas. They work closely with the Head of Years who oversee pupils’ progress and will respond to parents’ requests about information relating to schemes of work. There is considerable contact between parents and subject teachers through both parents’ consultation evenings, termly reports and individual communication.
Click on the arrow next to Staff List to view staff by department.
- Senior Leadership Team
- Leadership Team
- Head of Year & Pastoral Staff
- Computer Science
- Design & Technology
- English Department
- Expressive Arts
- Humanities
- Maths Department
- MFL Department
- PE Department
- Science Department
- Social Science Department
- Student Services
- Special Educational Needs Department
- Sixth Form Team
- Operations and Administration
- Finance Department
- Midday Supervisors
- Technician Services
- Area Network Team
- Premises Team