Summer School 2021
Our summer school program combined academic sessions with orientation exercises, sporting activities and activities linking with local community services.
All students were provided with lessons throughout the week in Maths, English, Science, Computer science and Humanities, sessions were designed to offer the following:
- An introduction to the secondary curriculum
- A chance for staff to informally assess student strengths and weaknesses
- A chance to catch up on learning missed during COVID and improve confidence, re-engage with literacy and Maths
Students engaged well with this program, particularly as they were in smaller groups with more adult support.
Students were also provided with a range of opportunities to orient themselves to their new surroundings through:
- Guided tours with maps.
- Treasure Hunts
- Quizzes and competitions
Students were also given the chance to learn about their new peer group through getting to know you activities and small group work.
Alongside the academic curriculum, the school organised the following activities:
- A large sports event with bouncy castles and other inflatables
- A Police dogs event, learning about the training of Police Dogs in the force
- Meeting 2 police horses and their riders.
- Meeting the Bexley police cadets, and carrying out a drill routine with them.
Student engagement for the summer school week was excellent! All students reported enjoying the week and staff feedback confirmed that student behaviour and attendance in all activities was excellent.
Summer School was funded by the DfE as part of a range of support in relation to COVID catchup. The total cost of Summer School was £28,203 split into -
Staff costs - £21,961
Resources - £4,040
Catering - £2,202